Mistletoe Magic: A M/M Holiday Romance Page 5
“You two seem different this morning,” Rebecca noted casually, focusing on keeping two of the walls together.
Kris and Lee’s gazes immediately snapped to each other, wondering what she was talking about. It wasn’t like she knew exactly what had changed between them yesterday. Or knew what they’d done that night.
They’d woken up twisted around one another like usual, but that time they were naked. Neither had had morning wood, to Lee’s dismay, but Kris had been keen on fixing that problem when he’d drawn Lee in for a searing kiss. And then George had knocked on their door, letting them know that they’d slept in and breakfast was ready.
“Different how?” Kris finally asked, when it seemed Lee wouldn’t.
Rebecca looked up at them, fighting back a smirk. “It looked like you were both having trouble keeping your hands off each other, for a start.”
“Breakfast got in the way of some plans,” Lee shrugged, grinning at Kris’s blush. “Ew, please spare the details.”
“Don’t worry, if Lee tries to tell you about our sex life,” Kris started, mock-glaring at Lee, “then he’ll definitely regret it later.”
“What, you gonna blue ball me?”
“Let’s hope you don’t find out.”
“Oh, my God,” Rebecca cringed. She waved her hands around frantically. “Please stop. That’s enough details as is.”
“Sorry,” they both apologized, though they didn’t hide their amusement at her obvious discomfort.
But their little chat made Lee think about that morning… and the night before. Now all he could think about was how good Kris’s body had felt on his. His lips, his hands, his cock. Okay, Lee needed to stop those thoughts before he got a boner in front of his sister. That’d be gross and embarrassing. But then he looked over to Kris, just a glance, and saw that he too seemed to be struggling. They locked eyes, and some sort of understanding passed between them.
They had to get each other alone as fast as possible.
“We’re almost done,” Rebecca announced not a moment too soon.
She was right, but the last five minutes they spent putting the gingerbread house together felt like an eternity to Kris and Lee. For once, they had to hold back from touching each other, knowing it would be too hard not to give in once they did. At least they were able to get each other alone in no time at all.
The second their bedroom door was closed, Lee pushed Kris up against the wall next to it, removing both of their shirts before kissing him roughly, unbridled lust flowing between them. He pressed their chests together, needing to feel the skin-to-skin contact, needing to feel as close to Kris as possible. Their hips rocked together absently as they kissed, both growing hard with each passing moment, but it wasn’t enough for Lee. He needed more.
Lee slid his hands down to Kris’s jeans, slowly popping the button and dragging down the zip. Kris’s breath hitched, but he only kissed Lee harder, urging him on. So Lee pulled both Kris’s jeans and boxer briefs down at once, bunching them mid-thigh, then took hold of Kris’s cock, stroking it slowly.
“What do you want?” Lee asked, voice breathy as he broke the kiss.
Kris looked dazed, focusing on Lee with lust-glazed eyes. “You, Liam. I want you.”
When Lee smiled, Kris thought it was so pure and beautiful and it utterly consumed him. And when Lee started kissing down his chest, slowly heading towards his cock, he couldn’t believe it was actually happening. The night before felt like a dream to him, something too good to be real. But this? This was real and it was happening right now. He stared down at Lee, watched as he nipped at the skin over each hipbone, soothing the bites with his tongue. Then he bypassed Kris’s crotch completely, planting soft kisses on his thighs, sliding his pants and underwear a little further down his legs. Kris found himself having trouble paying attention to anything but how close Lee’s face was to his erection.
Then Lee, still holding his cock, licked up the shaft with the flat of his tongue, then sucked the tip into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the head. Kris moaned, head hitting the wall as he closed his eyes and savored the feeling. But when Lee began bobbing his head, swallowing Kris’s cock almost to the root, he couldn’t help but look down. Lee was already looking up at him, the most sinfully gorgeous thing Kris had ever seen. The way Lee’s mouth stretched around his cock was almost overwhelming.
He’d had his dick sucked plenty of times before, by men and women alike, but none of them compared to Lee.
Lee seemed to know this, must’ve seen it in Kris’s eyes, because he suddenly wanted to do nothing more than please him in any way that he could. He relaxed his throat and pushed his mouth further along, until his nose and lips were flush with Kris’s torso. He swallowed around his length a few times, pulling a moan from Kris’s throat, and when Lee moaned back, he almost came just from that. He resumed his movements, letting Kris thrust a little as he bobbed his head.
“Lee, I’m gonna come,” Kris warned, gasping as Lee swallowed him to the root again, humming around his cock.
He seemed spurred on, knowing how close Kris was, sliding back to focus on the head, circling his tongue around it. Kris came shortly after that, muffling a low moan with his hand as Lee lapped the semen up. He used his hand to stroke Kris through it, licking away any come that he’d missed.
Kris was buzzing with pleasure, yanking Lee up to meet his lips, not caring that his mouth had just been on his cock, or that he could still taste himself. Lee kissed him back just as enthusiastically, and maybe desperately, reminding Kris that he had yet to be touched. He pulled back with a sly grin and fell to his knees, meeting Lee’s eyes as he took his time taking his pants off.
Lee was more than ready for him to return the favor.
* * *
After briefly heading downstairs for lunch, Kris and Lee escaped back to their room where they were simply relaxing in bed, content to cuddle each other close. It was still raining outside, the sound of it pattering against the window leaving them feeling cozy and warm in each other’s arms.
Lee turned to face Kris, pressing soft kisses into his jaw. Kris hummed happily, turning his head slightly to catch Lee’s lips.
“What are we?” He asked once they parted, running his thumb along Lee’s cheek. He leaned into the touch, eyes fluttering closed. “What do you mean?”
“What are we, with everything we’re doing?” Kris laughed, low chuckles vibrating in his chest. “I mean, are we dating for real, or what?”
Lee thought it through for a moment, tongue darting out to wet his lips. “I think we get to skip that step.”
“So we’re together, then? You’re my real boyfriend? No more faking.”
“Yeah,” Lee smiled wide, his eyes crinkling in the corners. “No more faking for anyone.”
“Mm, I like that.” Kris grinned, leaning down to kiss Lee again, sliding his hand down his chest.
He kissed him hard and fast, like he’d die if he didn’t, and quickly slid his hand up Lee’s shirt to grope at his chest. Kris loved the feel of Lee’s skin, smooth and tight over hard muscles. They were both fit, working out most days of the week, and it made Kris wonder if Lee liked his body as well. He thought of the guys he knew Lee went for, the main things they had in common being blonde haired and a toned body. It had never occurred to Kris that he was Lee’s type.
And, well, Lee was definitely his. It didn’t matter if they were a man or woman, as long as they had dark hair and were confident without arrogance, he was gonna be into them. Honestly, he didn’t know why they’d never even considered dating before then. They were actually perfect for each other.
With that thought in mind, Kris slid his hand down to Lee’s jeans, wanting nothing more than to make him feel good again.
* * *
“Mistletoe!” Winifred almost shrieked, pointing over Kris and Lee’s heads as they entered the sitting room.
There, stuck to the wall above the doorway, was a sprig of mistletoe. Lee rolled his eyes, but
gave Kris a happy kiss. The sound of a photo being taken was what made them pull away, and they saw Winifred grinning almost manically.
“This is definitely going on facebook!” She grinned triumphantly, leaning over to show her husband the picture. “Isn’t this the most adorable picture, George?”
“It is,” George agreed, sending a wink to Kris and Lee.
They found a seat on the floor by the fireplace, Kris pulling Lee to sit between his legs, back to his chest. Lee snuggled down, getting comfortable. Someone had changed the Buble Christmas album to the Mariah Carey one, but it was turned down low to be background music.
They chatted with Winifred, George, and Rebecca for a while, Winifred leaving at one point to get dinner out of the oven. During that time, Kris and Lee migrated towards the couch, still in each other’s arms, but now side by side. Lee kept catching the blonde staring at him strangely, something fond in his expression but something else he couldn’t put his finger on. He was determined to find out what it was, but he’d have to get him alone first.
After dinner, Rebecca insisted they watch Krampus, even though she hated horror movies. It had some actor that she liked from Parks and Recreation in it, and insisted she’d be fine because it was a comedy horror. They ended up really enjoying it, though both Kris and Rebecca kept flinching at certain scenes. Lee tried to be nice and not laugh at them, instead enjoying the fact that Kris got extra cuddly when he was on edge.
When the movie was over, Lee basically dragged Kris to their room, plopping him down on the bed and crawling over him. He didn’t kiss him, no, just stared into his eyes, looking for that expression he’d noticed earlier. The fondness was still there, but the other emotion was clouded by Kris’s confusion.
Lee pouted. “When I kept catching you looking at me, what were you thinking?”
“Why do you ask?” Kris evaded the question with one of his own, a slow smile spreading across his face. The little shit.
“You know why.”
Kris chuckled, shaking his head. When he met Lee’s eyes again, they were warm, that other emotion he couldn’t identify back again. “I think I’m in love with you, Liam.”
Love. What Lee was seeing was love. And it hit him, then, that he might be in love with Kris too. Shit. How had he never realized that before?
“Might be?” He teased, wanting to see the red bloom across Kris’s cheeks.
He wasn’t disappointed. “Okay, I’m certainly, definitely, undeniably in love with you. Don’t make me regret it.”
“I promise I won’t.” Lee couldn’t stop from grinning ecstatically. “So what made you realize this?”
“I think I’ve always been in love with you, I just didn’t know it.” Kris admitted, wearing a grin to match Lee’s.
“God, me too,” Lee sighed happily, resting his forehead against Kris’s.
Kris paused, eyes widening a fraction. “You love me too?”
“Yeah.” Lee nodded, nose bumping his. “I do.”
“Say it.”
“I love you, Kris. I love you so fucking much, and I think I have since the moment I met you.”
The unadulterated joy in Kris’s face was almost too much for Lee to bear. “Shit, we’re idiots, aren’t we?”
“We are,” Lee laughed, dipping down to kiss him. “But hey, at least we figured it out in the end.”
“It only took us, what? Seven years?”
“About that.” Lee shrugged one shoulder, kissing Kris again. They were sweet little kisses that conveyed all the love he felt. Love. He hadn’t thought he’d been in love with Kris until then, but it was exactly the right way to describe how he felt. As Kris deepened the kisses, running his hands down Lee’s sides, he had an idea. “Wait here.”
Before Kris could complain, Lee hopped off the bed and darted out of the room. Kris was just about to ignore his request and go follow him, when Lee returned, holding something behind his back. He hopped back on the bed, kneeling beside Kris’s body.
“What’s that?” Kris asked, inclining his head to Lee’s hidden hand.
Lee just smirked, then raised his hand, which was holding the mistletoe from the sitting room, over his head. “I believe you have to kiss me.”
“Not like we weren’t just doing that,” Kris rolled his eyes, but sat up and pulled him in for a deep kiss anyway.
When Lee broke away, his cheeky smirk was back in full force, a playful glint in his eyes.
Without a word, he brought the mistletoe down to rest just above his hips.
Kris raised an eyebrow. “Classy.”
“Come on, Stevie, you have to kiss me under the mistletoe.”
So Kris did. He leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss to the front of Lee’s jeans, nose brushing against the leaves. “There you go.”
“You’re such a tease.” Lee shook his head, grinning as he tossed the mistletoe aside.
Kris pulled him in for a hug. “Come here, you jerk.” He rolled them over so he was hovering over Lee, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt.
Lee wasted no time with getting his and Kris’s clothes off, kissing him anywhere his lips could reach. Then Kris took charge, taking Lee into his mouth, sucking his cock like it was his job. After a minute or so of bobbing up and down with Lee’s hand wrapped in his hair, he pulled off with an obscene noise.
“What do you want, Lee?” He asked, the same thing Lee had asked him earlier in the day, licking along his shaft.
“I want—” Lee broke off with a moan when Kris sucked back down, all the way to the root. “I want you to make love to me, Stevie.”
Kris pulled off again. “You want me inside you?”
“Yeah,” Lee nodded.
Without any warning, Kris flipped Lee over, lifting his ass in the air and palming at the cheeks. “This okay?”
Lee let out a choked-off laugh. “God, Kris, this is better than okay.”
“Good.” Kris pressed a kiss to his tailbone, then continued kissing down, until his lips were at Lee’s hole, using his tongue and fingers to prepare him. “I’ve gotta get a condom and the lube.”
“You brought that shit with you?” Lee questioned, trying to tease but just sounding a little winded.
Kris shrugged, rummaging through his bag. “I like to be prepared for anything.”
“Same.” Lee writhed around on the bed when Kris left, missing his touch. “I take condoms literally everywhere.”
“That’ll come in handy,” Kris said, climbing back onto the bed. “Hey, turn around. I wanna be able to see your face.”
Lee turned so he was on his back, watching as Kris slipped the condom on, squeezed some lube onto his fingers, and stroked it onto himself. He got into position, the head of his cock pressing lightly against his hole, circling around it. Lee forced himself not to move his hips, instead distracting himself by pulling Kris down so he could slot their lips together.
He pulled back, staring in awe at Kris’s eyes, pupils blown wide with love and lust. “I’m ready.”
Kris nodded, looking right back at Lee, mesmerized by the tiny ring of blue around his own blown pupils. He guided himself in slowly, taking his time, not wanting to hurt Lee. He knew of his friend’s - correction, boyfriend’s - preference for being the bottom, and knew he liked it rough from the stories he’d been told, but all the same, Kris didn’t want to rush this. He wanted to take his time. He wanted to learn Lee’s body, and for Lee to learn his, for them to savor every moment.
Lee moaned long and low when Kris bottomed out, making him bite his lip to hold in his own groan. Lee was so tight around him, and so perfect, nose crinkling as they stared at each other. Kris pulled out a little, pushing back in slowly. He began a rhythm of shallow thrusts, one hand stroking Lee’s cock while the other held his face. They kissed slowly, indulging in each other’s taste, the feel of their lips sliding together in synchronized harmony. Kris didn’t speed up, but he pulled out more on every thrust, driving in deep, rolling his hip
s whenever he was fully seated inside.