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Mistletoe Magic: A M/M Holiday Romance Page 3

  “No you’re not. But I came to tell you that Polar Express is on TV. It just started, so Becks got some eggnog and asked me to get you both.”

  “I hate that movie.” Lee pulled a face.

  Winifred narrowed her eyes. “It’s Christmas, Liam! Spend some time with your sister, please.”

  “Fine,” Lee grumbled, taking Kris’s hand and dragging him to the lounge room. “But I’m doing it for the eggnog.”

  “Whatever it takes.”

  They found their drinks waiting on the coffee table, and after thanking Rebecca, they got comfortable on the loveseat with Kris’s arm resting around Lee’s shoulders, and Lee snuggling into Kris’s side. Every time he wanted to make a sarcastic remark about the film, Lee would silence himself and drink his eggnog instead. But by the time they were only halfway through the movie, he’d finished both his and Kris’s drinks off.

  “I’m not a big fan of this movie either,” Kris said, voice low as he grabbed a throw blanket off the back of the loveseat and wrapped it around the both of them.

  Lee grinned, turning to face his pretend boyfriend. “Let’s do something fun then.”

  He shifted so he was half-sitting in Kris’s lap, then began planting light kisses up his neck and jaw. Kris made a low noise in the back of his throat, tilting his face so he could catch Lee’s lips with his own. The kiss started out much like the one in the car, but the second Kris grazed his teeth against Lee’s lower lip then soothed it with his tongue, the mood shifted. Now Kris’s tongue was in his mouth, brushing against his own rhythmically, and Lee couldn’t get enough. He shifted his body again, fully in Kris’s lap, clutching at hist shirt with tight fists. Kris had one hand tangled in Lee’s hair, pulling on it lightly to get his mouth in a better position, while his other arm was wrapped around his waist.

  “Holy shit, is that really necessary?” Rebecca complained from one of the armchairs, but they ignored her. She got up and left the room moments later.

  This only spurred Kris and Lee on, the kiss growing more and more heated with every second. They didn’t have any plans to stop anytime soon, not until they heard someone clear their throat. Lee was instantly on the couch beside Kris, dragging most of the blanket with him, and stared to where his dad stood in the doorway, wiping his wet mouth with the sleeve of his sweater.

  “If you boys are done, dinner will be ready soon and your mother would like you to wash up.”

  “Sure, dad.” Lee nodded, trying to will back his embarrassment. At least George wasn’t angry, and instead looked vaguely amused by the whole thing.

  Kris’s cheeks were red when Lee turned back to him, so he grinned cheekily and kissed the tip of Kris’s nose, then hauled him to his feet. They washed up in the bathroom downstairs, then headed to the dining room to help set up the dining table. Winifred had cooked the leftover pulled pork into a pie, and Lee was definitely looking forward to it. Really, he looked forward to anything his mom made, especially if it involved the slow cooker.

  They were bombarded with questions about their relationship during dinner, which meant they finally got to tell the story they’d made up, and thankfully the Stern family seemed to eat it right up. Winifred and Becca left after that, grabbing a bottle of wine and heading to the lounge room to watch the new season of Gilmore Girls. Kris and Lee had a few beers with George in the sitting room for the remainder of the evening. He was curious about Eric Haverford, so Kris filled him in on enough gossip to tide the man over.

  “Alright, I think it’s time I hit the hay,” George said when it was nearing ten, throwing a halfhearted wave over his shoulder as he left. “Night boys.”

  Lee stood up and stretched, glancing down at Kris. “How the fuck am I so tired when I’ve been so lazy all day?”

  “No idea, but I’m feelin’ it too.” Kris yawned, getting up as well and throwing an arm around Lee’s shoulder.

  They headed to their temporary room and quickly got changed into their pajamas, then fell into bed. The two of them had gotten changed in front of each other enough times that they didn’t care about modesty, which really made the whole ruse just that much easier. They’d shared a bed many times as well, usually after getting drunk at house parties. Why sleep on the floor, or even the couch, when there was a perfectly good bed that could fit more than one person? Lee’s bed here was quite large as well, and would easily be able to fit a couple of grown men.

  “Just lettin’ you know that I’m a cuddler,” Lee mumbled, body resting on the side.

  “I know already,” Kris chuckled, then wrapped his arm around Lee’s waist and pulled his back against his chest. “I am too.”

  Lee smiled at the warmth of the embrace. “Mm, good.” He definitely liked being the little spoon as well.

  “G’Night Lee.”

  “Night Stevie.”

  Chapter 3: The Park

  The door creaked open, then there was a sigh, before, “C’mon, boys, get your asses out of bed.”

  “Go ‘way, ma,” Lee slurred, groaning into his pillow. His pillow that was warm and firm and had a pulse, of all things. He blearily opened his eyes and saw that he’d moved around in his sleep and was now laying his head against Kris’s chest, with Kris’s arms still wound around his torso and holding him in place.

  Winifred sighed again, leaning against the doorframe. “I’m about to make breakfast.”

  That got Kris’s sleepy attention. He blinked his eyes open and glanced over to Winifred. “What’re ya making?”

  “Pancakes,” was all she said, before turning and disappearing down the hallway.

  That was all Lee needed to hear to get him out of bed. “Don’t wait up.”

  “No, not yet.” Kris tightened his arms around Lee, burying his face in his hair.

  Lee fought against him. “But Kris, pancakes!” He twisted and nudged until he was finally free of the embrace.

  “Fine, go,” Kris pouted, rolling over onto his stomach. “I’ll be down in five.”

  And then Lee was gone, leaving Kris feeling cold where his body had just been. He stretched out on the bed, letting the faint trace of morning light through the curtains wash over him. The prospect of food did sound good, but going back to sleep for a little bit longer was also tempting. Except, if he did, Lee would just come barging back in and wake him up again. Yeah, he’d just lay down for a few more minutes, then head downstairs for breakfast. That was a good plan.

  Lee may have loved it when his mom made meals with the slow cooker, but nothing could compare to her pancakes. If he had to choose a favorite food, he’d say this would be it. So he breathed in deeply as his mum made them, enjoying the familiar scent, and poured himself a coffee. A flash of white outside caught his eye.

  “Did it snow last night?”

  “Just a little this morning,” Winifred explained, pouring the last of the pancake batter into the pan. “But it’ll probably be gone by midday.”


  Lee liked the snow and the cold; it meant he got to wear warm sweaters and coats, drink hot chocolate, and snuggle with someone to chase away the chill. Kris was definitely a summer person, but he was also a snuggler in winter because he dreaded the cold so much. Lee liked that about him, especially during cold nights in their apartment when they were watching movies and sharing a blanket, and also because Kris seemed to run a little warmer than everyone else.

  Winifred finished cooking the last pancake, then turned to lean against the counter with a small smile. “So…”

  “So… what?” Lee quirked an eyebrow, resting his mug on the bench.

  “You and Kris,” she said simply, as if that explained everything. “I won’t lie. I’ve been hoping you’d date that boy ever since I found out he liked men too.”

  Had she really? Despite how close they were, Lee had never actually thought about dating his best friend before, neither had it ever occurred to him that somebody else had thought about it for him. “Is that so?”

  “It is. Do you love him?�

  “Yeah, I think I do,” Lee pretended to admit, having wondered when this question was going to come up. “But, uh, I haven’t told him yet… And he hasn’t told me if he does either.”

  “Don’t let that hold you back. One look at that boy and it’s obvious he’s head over heels.”

  Lee rolled his eyes. “If you say so, ma.”

  Winifred just shook her head and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like stupid boy under her breath.

  Lee went back to his coffee, watching his mom as she got out the syrup and cream for the pancakes. He asked if he could help, but she waved him and off and simply said he could help wash the dishes that night. So he continued standing around idly, waiting for her to finish, when only a minute later did a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist from behind.

  “Got any coffee for me?” Kris asked, peppering kisses up and down the side of Lee’s neck.

  “Maybe,” Lee smiled, then turned his head so he could give Kris a kiss. “Let me get you a cup.”

  After breakfast and a shower each, they were feeling lazy and decided to relax on the couch, Lee’s head in Kris’s lap. Some Hallmark Christmas movie was playing, but they ignored it, instead opting to texts their friends back in Brooklyn. Samantha and Sam had dragged Pete out to do some last-minute Christmas shopping, seeing as he’d left it almost too late yet again, and were documenting every sarcastic remark and complaint he made. Then Winifred and Rebecca announced they were going to get some groceries, so Kris and Lee decided to tag along, just as something to do that’d get them out of the house.

  * * *

  When they’d finished grocery shopping, they ordered Chinese takeout for lunch at Rebecca’s request. Kris had bought himself and Lee some gaudy green baseball caps with red pompoms on the top and elf ears on the side. They convinced Rebecca take some photos, her only condition being they both had to pick one of the photos to post on instagram. Samantha was, of course, the first person to see those photos.

  Sam (1:26pm)

  You two are SO cute

  The text seemed innocent enough, especially if Rebecca or Winifred were to see it, but Kris and Lee knew they were in for a world of teasing when they got home. And hell, they figured they might as well give her something worthwhile to tease them about, so they sent her the type of picture that everyone hated: the couple kissing photo. She replied with a winky face.

  Yeah, they were definitely gonna regret it.

  At home, Lee helped put away the groceries while Kris talked to his dad in private. He was a little nervous about why. George seemed to approve of the relationship, but had Lee misinterpreted all of his amused glances? Was he acting that way because he somehow knew they were faking it, and was ready to call out on it? Maybe he thought Kris was faking it while Lee wasn’t, and wanted to talk to him about hurting his son. Maybe he thought the opposite, and felt bad enough to warn Kris about getting too attached to Lee. Maybe, just maybe…

  Lee cut himself off mid-thought, rubbing slow circles into his temples. All of these thoughts were going to give him a headache, and he all but leaped on Kris when the talk was apparently over.

  “Let’s go for a walk,” he suggested quickly, needing some fresh air before he freaked the fuck out.

  Kris raised an eyebrow, but let himself be walked out the front door. “Sure. I wanna see more of the neighborhood anyway. It doesn’t even feel like we’re in the city anymore.”

  “That’s what I always think whenever I’m here.” Lee laughed, wrapping his arm around Kris’s waist. He was wearing a thick coat and a scarf over his favorite knit sweater, but it was still quite chilly outside and he wanted all the warmth he could get.

  Kris didn’t seem to mind, wrapping his arm around Lee’s shoulder and holding him close. They walked in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the scenery. Winifred had been right. The snow had melted already, but the landscape was still icy, sparkling in the sunlight when it peaked between the clouds. The air was cold in their lungs, but smelled cleaner than it did in Brooklyn. They ended up at Vinmont Veteran Park and laid down side-by-side on the empty playground. It was completely deserted despite the time of day, but they figured it was due to the not-so-great weather.

  “What’d my dad wanna talk to you about? Lee asked carefully, after a few more minutes of silence. He knew ignorance was bliss, but he also just had to know, and better get it out of the way now while he had Kris alone.

  “Probably the same thing he’d wanna discuss with a guy that was dating Becca.” Kris said, turning to Lee with a wide grin. “Said he approved of me, but if I broke your heart, then it wouldn’t be pretty.”

  “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry you had to go through with that.”

  Kris chuckled. “Nah, it’s fine. I understand where he’s coming from.”

  “I’m just glad my parents are okay with us dating,” Lee mused. “This morning mom told me that she’s been wanting us to get together for ages.”

  Kris looked surprised for a moment or two, before his eyebrows pulled together as he thought of something. “Wait, you remember when I introduced you to Sam?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Well,” Kris paused, the faintest hint of pink coloring his cheeks. “He thought I was going to introduce you as my boyfriend, and was shocked when he learned that we were just friends.”

  Lee sat up quickly, looking down at Kris as he continued to blush. “Really?”


  They stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter, Lee collapsing on Kris’s chest as he struggled for breath, clutching at the collar of his jacket.

  “Shit. Everyone’s thought about us dating except for us.”

  “I know,” Kris agreed, wrapping his arms around Lee without even thinking. “It’s so weird.”

  Lee relaxed on Kris, listening to his steady breathing and enjoying his body’s Samural warmth, while clouds passed across the sun and darkened the sky. All at once it started to rain, ruining the little moment they were having. It was only light, but considering the time of year, the droplets were ice cold.

  “Fuck, let’s head back.” Lee helped Kris to his feet, before huddling together and rushing home. They weren’t quite drenched by the time they got back, but they were still quite wet, laughing and shaking their dripping hair at Rebecca just to see her squeal and run away, before heading to their room to get changed into dry clothes.

  Kris was changing into sweatpants, which just so happened to be Lee’s. “Can I wear these?”

  “Sure,” Lee smiled, a strange spike of pleasure shooting through his body at the sight of Kris wearing his clothes. It wasn’t something they’d ever really done before. “But only if I can wear your blue sweater.”

  “Deal.” Kris grinned as he chucked the sweater at him and continue getting dressed.

  After dinner, Kris helped Lee wash the dishes. Back at their apartment, they didn’t usually have so much to wash between them, but all the same, they didn’t mind doing the dishes for Lee’s family. Kris scooped up a handful of soap bubbles, then smeared them across Lee’s face.

  “Oh, you’re on!” Lee laughed, scooping up his own handful and trying to smush it in his face.

  Kris dodged around, only to get a mouthful of the bubbles once he let his guard down. In retaliation, he threw the wet sponge at Lee, hitting him square in the chest and letting out a wet spray of dishwater. Lee actually shrieked and threw it back, starting a sponge war between them. Winifred eventually sent Rebecca to break them up, and they finished the washing the dishes with barely contained laughter.

  When they were done, George got out their old Grinch DVD and insisted on watching it, not that Lee was complaining - it’d been his favorite Christmas movie while growing up. Winifred made everyone hot chocolate, and with the muffled sound of the rain outside, a nostalgic movie playing, and Kris cuddling him close, Lee had never felt more content. Kris, too, seemed no less than satisfied with their current situation, and took to play
ing with Lee’s hair once he’d finished his drink.